Finding Home

Finding Home
on a journey to know meaning, create stories, and to shine beauty, this is home


It's not in My head

I know that we all do this we think there is something going on but we tend to make excuses and rationalize it saying it's all in our head. If you have never done that then you should just stop reading but if any part of you resinates with the previous statement then keep reading.
Recently I have had these feeling regarding my move. Feeling like I am being excluded and left out. Finding that things are going that I would normally be invited to but I am not anymore. And just being treated differently in conversation. Ever since I let everyone know that I was moving back home all my Hawaii friends (not hawaiian but hawaii)  have been treating me differently. It has been "all in my head" I would tell myself but really I am finding out that it has not been in my head and that people are treating me differently or just not treating me at all.
All the invites to come over and hang out with friends have gone away. I have been sitting alone for the past couple weeks trying to make myself busy, unless of course someone needs something from me :)

I think it is very interesting how we as people pull away when something is happening that we don't want to have happen. I know I have done this but I truly try to make a point to not do it. Knowing how we respond to change is very important especially when our response can be hurtful to others. I know that I can respond in negative ways to change even though I tend to love change so I try to counter act the natural response when it is negative. How we make others feel does matter if our actions are unkind.

Recently I was made aware of how I was being treated differently since my moving announcement and it has been hurtful. I have tried to make excuses for my friends which I do think are valid (sometimes it's easier to pull away from someone then to invest more) but I think we need to strive to treat others the way we would want to be treated. I know it is hard to do sometimes but it is something we need to strive to do. If we can't treat each other kindly how will we ever be able to love each other and if we can't love each other how will we ever be able to love our neighbors or our enemies?

I think we all need to look inward and see where we could be more loving towards each other. What are we afraid to do or to let go of? What is holding us back from loving others unconditionally?

We need to love with out boundaries because as Rob Bell (who some of you may dislike) has tilted his newest book "Love Wins" it does even if it looks a little different then we think it should.

That's all thanks for reading...

1 comment:

  1. man oh man I love you. You always blog right to my heart, I don't know how you do it, but every time you get me right where I need to hear it! (PS thank for quoting Bell - I just love you more for that!)
