Finding Home

Finding Home
on a journey to know meaning, create stories, and to shine beauty, this is home



Today  I woke up with more questions then I new what to do with. This doesn't happen all that often but sometimes it does. When it does I am generally overwhelmed by it. 
I have come to the conclusion over the years that not all questions have answers and some aren't deserving of answers. 
This mornings questions went a bit like this;

1. Where will I live next?
2. Why Am I not in New York?
3. How would I pack for Australia?
4. How many Kids will I have?
5. Why do I want my own kids so bad?
6. Where the H E double hockey sticks is my husband?
7. Who is my husband?
8. Why am I asking such stupid questions?
9. Do I even deserve a husband?
10. Where will I raise my family?
11. Will I have a family?
12. What is God trying to teach me right now?
13. Am I learning it?
14. Why would I want anything new right?
15. Why do we have to see and experience so much in this life?
16. Why is someone in africa suffering far beyond my imagination right now?
17. Where am I going to live in January?
18. What part-time job am I going to have?
19. When Am I going to wake-up?

I know it seems like an assortment of questions that don't all match up but thats what's on my mind. Most of it I woke up with after a very interesting dream, but for the most part those are questions that are running through my mind all the time. 

Now most of these questions don't need answers and some of them don't deserve answers but then there are some that need answers. I am sure I have a different opinion on what needs to be answered over someone else but I sure would love some.

But this morning God and I were talking about these questions and the only answer I got was. 
"I have a plan and a purpose, you just need to be still and know that I Am who I say I Am. I Am a faithful loving God who wants what is best for you."  

But don't you think some of these questions are worthy of answers?

"Child the answer is be still, be still and know that I am God. It's hard to understand but that is what is best for you right now."

Ok if it is best I will try but, I can't promise that I wont ask them again tomorrow. I will try my hardest.

"Try your hardest and look back on who I Am and how faithful I have always been not just to you but to all those before you"

So that's where I am at right now, trying to be still. 
That is so hard for me. Being Still is like asking me to not help someone. So, I am sure I need to practice the being still thing more then I think. 

Here's to being still. I know there is beauty in it.

Dreaming of New York

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