Finding Home

Finding Home
on a journey to know meaning, create stories, and to shine beauty, this is home


Oh the nap...

I am puzzled and perplexed at how the nap can be coveted. I understand that people need their sleep and that if they do not get it they can become very grumpy, but there adults they should be able to manage. Right?

If one doesn't get the sleep necessary to get through a day there are things you can use to supplement the energy need to make it through. I am not saying that using those things on a daily basis is a good thing but, I do think there is a time and a place often a necessity for them.

I have recently experienced the repercussions of "lack of sleep" I am currently living with a 16 month old and a 5 month old. Sleep is a nonexistent word in the house and naps are hard to come by, but when they do they are sweet and fought over. Never did I think it possible to argue over sleep but let me tell you it is and it happens often.
When you are waking up 3 to 5 times a night you seem to be on edge over several things and sleep one of the top. It is easy to lose all adult reasoning when it comes to sleep so I have learned. I am trying to wrap my mind around it. It seems that men have a hard time dealing with it then women so I am left to wonder why?

I have a couple theory's
1. I think men require more uninterrupted sleep. So, they can think clearly.
2. Men have a heavy weight of responsibility to be the financial provider so they are more often stressed out about that which when combined with no sleep leads to "stay the hell away"
3. Men have much less patients and can't deal with lack of sleep.
4. Men are just out right wimps and need to suck it up.

I don't know maybe it could be said to be the opposite in others lives. All I know is this is what I am experiencing. All I know is if you are a women and you want to take a nap you better think about when and where you are going to do it because it could end up costing you a lot more then you ever thought possible!

Love you all I'll put up so video real soon possibly later tonight!!!

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