Finding Home

Finding Home
on a journey to know meaning, create stories, and to shine beauty, this is home


try harder


what comes to mind when you see this word?

shattered expectations
broken trust
loss of love
loss of community
loss of family/friends

a lot of things can spring from failure. it is very interesting how our human nature can turn something so natural and expected into something so forbidden. we are not perfect in any way so we are created to fail. i know that may seem harsh but it is the truth. if we never did we would never realize our human selves. we would actually have a valid reason for thinking we are gods.
however we fail, we fail on a daily basis and some of us on an hourly basis. (said with hand raised)

so today I experienced this in more ways then one;
way #1 I could not seem to find a document I typed up that took me close to 6 hrs to attain and write all the information for. I know crazy right. I worked on it and knew that I saved it however it is no where on the computer even the IT guts can't find it. (I obviously didn't save it) FAIL
way #2 I changed the voicemail on a students iphone and forgot to tell her...oops it was suppose to be funny however her parents and friends found it offensive. Which in turn got me a phone call and a scolding, which was deserved. (keep in mind it was not as bad as it may seem, but it hurt the student and her parents view me differently now) EPIC FAIL
way #3 I have been trying to commit to a work out routine...hahaha, that's been working, right.
I will work out for about 2 days and then I am over it for about a week then I'll try again and we start the cycle all over again.
way #4 I have a bunny! I don't want the bunny and I can't find her a home. why did I get a bunny if I don't want to take care of it? what was I thinking?

we are faced with failure on a daily basis whether it is something we have failed at or something that we see others fail at.
we need to look at our failures differently then how we have been taught by society.

a failure is not a chance for us to kick ourselves and tear each other a part.
It is a chance for us to truly see the hand of God. a chance where we can show how we really are. we are not defined by our failures but rather by how we respond to them. (I am sure someone has said that somewhere along the lines and it is nothing new but it is so true)
if we fail we see how God still uses us despite our short comings.
when someone else fails we have the opportunity to build them up, extend grace, and help them learn.

we really need to learn how to let go of our failures and move forward with our heads held high, knowing that we are here to truly experience all that we are. even if that includes all of our failures and short comings!!!

they don't define us they just add more beauty to our stories of meaning!


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