Finding Home

Finding Home
on a journey to know meaning, create stories, and to shine beauty, this is home



Life is a funny thing.
We think it last a long time but, really in the scheme of things it is only but a breif reflection in a mirror.
I just found out 5 minutes ago that a co-worker and friend passed away at 1pm today.

At this moment I can't help but look back and reflect on my life and who I am as I look at his life and the way he lived his. He was a man who knew is meaning and purpose in life. He was focused and passionate about where he was and what he was doing. If I can live my life that way I will have lived a great significant menaingful life.

I truly believe that we each have a chance to make a difference in the world. I do think we were created to change things. I am not sure on what scale but, I am sure that we are made to make a difference. And each one of us has an area of influence in whcih we can make an impact.

Think with me for a minute...
What do you love to do?
Something that you live for and would feel incomplete with out doing.
Are you doing that?
To what degree are you allowing that incompase your life?
How could you go out and take that passion to the world?
How are you making a difference right now with where you are at in your life?

I think we need to continually be asking ourselves theses questions so we are remind of what it is we are doing and why we are doing it.

I truly hope that you are living out your passion in a way that is changing the world and making a difference. You have the tools and abilities to impact those around you so if you aren't get up and do it.
Do it for those who have gone before you, for those who gave you an example.
They did not live out their passion only to watch you become apathetic and disheartened. They lived out their passions to inspire you to do the same!

find meaning, tell stories, create beauty!!!


  1. I appreciate your thoughts on this, quite profound if i may say so. How are you finding meaning in your beautiful story?

  2. I am striving to do what I do best and nothing else. it is going to be a very tasking journey for me because I like to make things happen and I want to help everyone if I can but I am willing to take it as it comes failures and successes.
    I guess you could say I am still in the beginning chapters of my story...

  3. Thanks for the response and I appreciate your candidness.I guess this is an age old question which I cant purport to give new insight to but i do wonder what is the meaning of life? Any thoughts?

  4. I think are meaning in life is actually a lot more simple then we make it out to be.
    I think we are created to create!
    and what I mean by that is I think God made us all uniquely in his imagine so that we could all create an individual picture of who he is. Like a mosaic we are given life so that we may glorify God if we choose and by choosing we can't help but create. And I am not just talking art I am talking in life the way we have relationships, they way we build community are all ways we create and they are beautiful when then are done in his image.
    Those are my thoughts...
